Past DVOS Meeting

If you have any orchid related question in need of an answer, our February meeting is for you! There will be a total of five speakers; Dennis Olivas; Eileen Jackson; Peter Ansdell; Sung Lee Han and Tom Pickford, all members of DVOS. Eileen, Peter, Sung and Tom will form a panel to answer your questions and Dennis will act as moderator with full powers to intervene.

Eileen Jackson

Eileen grows her Cymbidiums and many other award-winning orchids in Vallejo.

Peter Ansdell

Sung Han Lee

Peter is an inveterate Walnut Creek windowsill grower of Phalaenopsis species and hybrids.

Sung has won so many awards at DVOS with his Castro Valley Cattleyas and other species he is now hors concours and

Tom is an American Orchid Society judge growing innumerable different orchids, many of them beautifully mounted, in his greenhouse in Bolinas.


Dennis will be accumulating written questions at the beginning of the evening or you may ask the panel “live”. Please do not bring plants. If your question involves a specific plant, please bring the clearest possible colored image. If you think the plant may be sick or has a pest, the panel would appreciate a typical leaf and/or an example of the pest in a closed plastic bag.


Dennis Olivas

The Plant Table will be supplied by the club.


Our no-host Speaker Dinner will be  at 5:30 p.m. is at Aung MayLika 1050 Contra Costa Blvd, Concord, CA 94423

Everyone is welcome to attend and meet our speakers – email Peter Ansdell at to reserve a seat; not later than the day before the meeting, please.

Learn the basics about how to take care of your Sarcochilus orchid!

Dennis was born on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. As a lad he helped his mom grow her orchids and got hooked. He joined the Future Farmers of America and his project was raising and selling orchids.
In 1980 he moved to the mainland and swore off the orchid family; not for long, as he was introduced to Rod McLellan’s ‘Acres of Orchids’. First, he filled his home with upwards of 6,000 plants. Later he leased greenhouse space for his collection. A glutton for punishment, he continued to add to his collection, overflowing the 3,000 sq. ft. greenhouse in Half Moon Bay. Currently his greenhouse (D&D Flowers) is in Daly City.

Dennis has been president of Peninsula Orchid Society, San Francisco Orchid Society, Diablo View Orchid Society and the Santa Cruz Orchid Society. He is an accredited judge of the American Orchid Society. Dennis belongs to over 14 orchid societies and tries to assist them whenever possible.  

The Plant Table will be supplied by Dennis Olivas


Dinner with the Speaker at 5:30 p.m. is at Yan’s Garden, 2223 Morello Ave #1850, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Everyone is welcome to attend and meet our speaker – email Peter Ansdell at to reserve a seat; not later than the day before the meeting, please.

Note Change in VENUE AND TIME for the December Meeting

6:00 pm – 10:00 pm at Pleasant Hill Community Center, 320 Civic Drive, Large Room

Gift Exchange and Small Auction

Setup at 6:00 pm with Dinner beginning at 7:00 pm

Turkey and ham and soft drinks will be provided by the Board … the rest … by you, our members! We have a liquor license, so you can BYOB!

For the potluck, bring a side dish, salad or desert … enough for 8 … according to the beginning letter of your last name…

A-G Desert, H-O Salad, P-Z Side Dish

For the Gift Exchange bring a nice plant (bug free) or an orchid related item (a pot, gardening tool etc … something that you would like to receive yourself).

There will also be a small auction for some very special items!

Note: This is a members only event… spouses/partners are welcome, too.

The 2020 dues should be paid by the January meeting, but feel free to pay at the party! ($30)

Holiday Party Bonus: The first 40 people who have paid dues for 2020 will receive a free plant grown by Dennis Olivas!  Please bring the completed form with your check. Renewal Form


Carol Klonowski as been growing orchids since the 1980s when a friend in Berkeley, California gave her a cattleya orchid and it bloomed out with three big, dark lavender flowers and an intoxicating fragrance. She built an entire greenhouse in her backyard to accommodate the precious plant, which only led her to buy more orchids. Then another friend gave her a gift membership to the Orchid Society of California, and it’s been a serious hobby eve since.

Carol has served as director, vice president, and president of the Orchid Society of California for most of the past two decades and is currently a fully accredited judge with the American Orchid Society in the California Sierra Nevada Judging Center.

The History of Unifoliate Cattleyas

Carol Klonowski will explore the discovery, cultivation, and popularization of labiata-type cattleyas. She’ll start with their discovery in the jungles of Central and South America, follow them through the floral industry trade, and share how their popularity has re-emerged in recent years. Aside from Phalaenopsis, no other orchid comes to mind as quickly when someone mentions the phrase orchid flower. The culture information from the talk can easily apply to most other orchid genera.




Dinner with the Speaker at 5:30 p.m. is at Aung MayLika 1050 Contra Costa Blvd, Concord, CA 94423

Everyone is welcome to attend and meet our speaker – just let Eileen Jackson know before 2pm if you will be coming so we can get the table set up.

The plant table will be provided by the speaker.

DVOS speaker for October will be Dan Asbell of Asbell Orchids. Dan took over his father’s business of outdoor growing orchids in 2006. Since then he has changed the business from only cymbidiums to a great variety of orchids that are temperature tolerant and can survive outside all year.

He crosses cool growing with warm growing, runs his own lab and makes a living selling his creations. He will talk about his crosses and will have many on the raffle table.







Dinner with the Speaker at 5:30 p.m. is at Aung MayLika 1050 Contra Costa Blvd, Concord, CA 94423

Everyone is welcome to attend and meet our speaker – just let Eileen Jackson know before 2pm if you will be coming so we can get the table set up.

The Plant Table will be supplied by Dan Asbell

DVOS members Eileen Jackson and Kathy Barrett are sharing their experiences of a trip on the Rio Negro in Brazil
in search of orchids in their native habitat.

In June 2019 Eileen and Kathy went on this trip organized by OCA – Orchid Conservation Alliance. The OCA mission is to save orchids in the wild.  Members of the OCA work to preserve orchids and orchid habitats. They create protected reserves where wild orchids can continue to live and blossom in the rain and sunshine. A side benefit is that everything else that lives in the reserve is protected too.

To learn more about OCA, the projects and past and future trips go to




Here is a list of OCA Orchids in the Wild trips planned for 2020.

2019_09 AOS

Dinner with the Speaker at 5:30 p.m. is at Aung MayLika 1050 Contra Costa Blvd, Concord, CA 94423

Everyone is welcome to attend and meet our speaker – email Eileen Jackson at to reserve a seat.

The Plant Table will be supplied by Dennis Olivas

DVOS Auction – NEW DATE Aug 15th!

This will be our largest fundraising event. All proceeds will go toward our expenses i.e. speakers and especially our orchid show. It will be a great opportunity to add to your collection and share your plants with other members.
Please invite your family and friends.

1.    Please bring plant(s) for auction. (This will be a donation to the society.)
2.    Please inspect plants for bugs.
3.    A picture of the plant in bloom would be a big plus.
4.    You may put a reserve amount or starting bid amount

The room is available at 6:30 pm until 7:15 pm to arrange the orchids for display. During this time there will be light refreshments.

There will be no Pre-Meeting Dinner, Show & Tell or Plant Table

The Auctioneer will be Sue Fordyce

Sue has a rich horticultural history, most of her life spent in the orchid world with the family business at the Orchid Ranch in Livermore. Her father, Frank Fordyce passed on his passion for orchids and hybridizing Cattleyas to her and she was able to travel and speak to groups throughout the United States and Canada about Orchids, (specifically Cattleyas). When the family business sold in 2006, Sue had the opportunity to change gears and join an exceptionally beautiful and unique property, Alden Lane Nursery in Livermore. She currently manages the Houseplants and Orchids dept., teaches a variety of classes, both horticultural as well as craft and art classes, and she loves what she does. Sue and her family are part of the founding members of Diablo View Orchid Society and a past President. She is an enthusiastic speaker, a patient teacher and has a firm belief that

Note Change in VENUE for the July Meeting

at Pleasant Hill Community Center, 320 Civic Drive, McHale Room


Jim Heilig has been growing orchids for over 20 years. His interests have revolved around Phalaenopsis and relatives, along with many others. He has been breeding orchids for over 10 years with a particular interest in exploring the genetics of various Phalaenopsis species in simple hybrids (primary and near primary) with a goal of bringing fragrance and other traits back into standard type hybrids. Over the last several years his interest in breeding has turned to conserving Habnenaria species as well as creating hybrids. He grows most of his plants under lights, but after his move from Michigan to California has added plants that can grow outdoors in his coastal California environment such as Cymbidium, Lycaste, Laelia, and Cattleya.
Jim began his judging career at the Great Lakes Judging Center in Ann Arbor, MI and is currently a judge at the Pacific Central Judging Center. He is also a Trustee of the American Orchid Society.
Jim purchased his first Habenaria at the Greater Lansing Orchid Society Show in East Lansing, MI, from Natt’s Orchids in the mid-2000s. It was labelled “Habenaria rhodocheila Pink Form” and had an amazing clove fragrance. While several people said it would be impossible to grow, it flourished (and is still alive!). His Habenaria collection has grown considerably since that first plant. Jim will share what he has learned about Habenaria culture as well as discuss taxonomy and breeding. While having a reputation for being difficult (they really aren’t), the colors and forms of the various species and hybrids make Habenaria a rewarding and intriguing group of orchids to grow.


Dinner with the Speaker at 5:30 p.m. is at Aung MayLika 1050 Contra Costa Blvd, Concord, CA 94423

Everyone is welcome to attend and meet our speaker – email Eileen Jackson at to reserve a seat.


I first became interested in orchids in 1994 during a horticultural internship at the
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota, Florida. The internship turned into a
full-time job and I worked there for several years learning about all sorts of
tropical epiphytes. I went on to move around the country over the years but
always had a greenhouse full of orchids. I’ve grown them in hot, wet Southern
Florida, the cold, wet, Pacific Northwest, and the hot, dry, California Central Valley.
This has given me experience with the challenges of growing in widely varied
conditions. I went on to buy Calwest Tropical Supply (Now Flori-Culture: Orchid &
Specialty Growing Supplies) in 2014 and relocated it to Carmichael, California. We
now have added a small specialty nursery as well as the supplies we have always

We will discuss many of the major issues facing orchid growers including:
Light, Watering and water quality, Potting media, Container choice, Fertilizers.
Pests & Diseases
Vetting the over-abundance of information in the internet age.
I will talk you through ways to look at your plants and with a little observation and
research, figure out for yourself the best ways to grow your plants according to
your individual conditions. I will also give some strategies to tell which advice to
listen to and which might be better ignored.

My business website is The web site has all the supplies you
need for orchid growing. Choose what you want, pay on line and I will be
delivered it to you at the meeting. Place your orders by May 7. Be sure to
mention on your order that you will be at the Diablo View Orchid Meeting!


Dinner with the Speaker at 5:30 p.m. is at Aung MayLika 1050 Contra Costa Blvd, Concord, CA 94423

Everyone is welcome to attend and meet our speaker – email Eileen Jackson  at to reserve a seat.