Doors open at 6:30pm for Show & Tell setup and conversations

Carol Klonowski has been growing orchids since the 1980’s when a friend in Berkeley, California, gave her a cattleya
and it bloomed out with three big, dark lavender flowers and an intoxicating fragrance. She built an entire greenhouse in her
backyard to accommodate the precious plant, which only led her to buying more orchids. Then another friend gave her a
gift membership to the Orchid Society of California, and it’s been a serious hobby and passion ever since. She can recall going to
monthly meetings where orchid legends such as the late Frank Fordyce would be available to answer the many questions an
eager hobbyist could ask.
Carol is currently the President of the Orchid Society of California and a fully Accredited Judge with the American Orchid Society,
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center.  She is starting her tenure as a Trustee for the American Orchid Society and writes for Orchids Magazine.

Bifoliate Cattleyas

This program talks about the ‘other’ plants of the genus Cattleya. These are the ones that have two, sometimes three leaves per pseudobulb and a wide color and pattern range. Besides
describing the 20 or so species in this group, the talk also explains how bifoliate cattleya hybrids make the spots, patterns, and color forms that brought a new palette to cattleya breeding.
Their culture can also be different from their large-flowered, unifoliate cousins. This talk is for anyone interested in learning more about Cattleyas, their culture, and their history.

Dinner with the Speakers:

Members of DVOS are invited to a no-host, pre-meeting dinner with our speakers, Paul and Karen Olson. We will meet for dinner at 5 PM on Thursday May 9th at:

Aung Burma, 2151 Salvio St Suite E, Concord, CA 94520

This restaurant is a 5-minute drive from the meeting venue. If you wish to attend, please RSVP to by 5PM Wednesday, May8th so that Diane can make reservations.