revamped! Faster, more info. A site to keep watching for their changes! revamped! Faster, more info. A site to keep watching for their changes!
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center
Carmel Orchid Society, one of our local societies. Nice site, also check out their newsletter.
Gold Coast Cymbidium Growers meet at the San Mateo Garden Center
Almost our sister society in Hawaii. “There are several former members of DVOS here on the Big Island of Hawai’i. There’s Floyd & Marlene Lundquist, ourselves — Stan & Dale Dinsmore, Pauline Brault. and on the Kona side of the Island is Sue Tesien.”
Orchideenvermehrung – Orchid Propagation – This Austrian site (in English and German) is dedicated to different orchid propagation techniques (seed sowing, nodes). Lots of practical information. Native orchids of Austria info is a bonus.
Read more about Lou Jost’s adventurous discoveries in the Andes of Ecuador as well as his scientific publications, artwork and projects in progress at his website:
Published quarterly by The Orchid Digest Corporation for the purpose of increasing the appreciation and improving the culture of orchids.
This website compiles information about orchid species, hybrids, and hybrid parents. Searches can be done by looking for a named variety or browsing through genus lists. Everyone can find free listings with photos and culture information, when available, at
International Orchid Registry (KEW)
International Orchid Registry (KEW)
Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia (IOSPE)
Taxonomy of the Orchidacea – Article from Wikipedia
Culture sheets available, TONS of info from Marg and Charlie Baker. Kathy found this one: ” It has pictures of phal species and their primary hybrids, showing each parent and the resultant cross.”
Orchid & Flower Photography and Talks by Ron Parsons – A site dedicated to Phagmipedium, Mexipedium and Selenipedium. Info and pictures of species and hybrids with full breeding details of most (all?) the phrag hybrids.